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Is nodenext right for libraries that don’t target Node.js?

I started to reply to this tweet, but I think it deserves more than a hasty string of 240-character concatenations:

Matt Pocock

cc @atcb in case I've got something drastically wrong.


I think that if you transpile TS code with NodeNext, that will be compatible with any modern bundler (any moduleResolution: Bundler environment).

@tpillard thinks that there are issues which mean you should transpile one export with moduleResolution: Bundler and another with moduleResolution: NodeNext if you plan to support both.

10:30 AM · Nov 14, 2023

I mostly agree with Matt, and his advice earlier in the thread more or less matches what I published in TypeScript’s Choosing Compiler Options guide for modules.

It’s worth unpacking some of the nuances here. Something important about Tim’s position, and about how tsc works, is lost to the Twitter shorthand in Matt’s characterization above. moduleResolution doesn’t affect tsc’s emit, so producing two different outputs toggling that option alone would do nothing for consumers. But as Matt and Tim both know, it’s not possible to toggle just moduleResolution between bundler and nodenext, because each of these enforces a corresponding module option, which does affect emit:

  • moduleResolution: bundler requires module: esnext
  • moduleResolution: nodenext requires module: nodenext

So at face value, the real question posed in Matt’s tweet is whether there are differences in emit between module: esnext and module: nodenext that might cause bundlers to trip over nodenext code.

Emit differences

The most important thing to understand about module: nodenext is it doesn’t just emit ESM; it emits whatever format it has to in order for Node.js not to crash; each output filename is inherently either ESM or CommonJS according to Node.js’s rules and tsc chooses its emit format for each file based on those rules. So depending on the context, we might be asking be asking about the difference between CommonJS and ESM, or the difference between module: esnext and the particular flavor of ESM produced by module: nodenext.

Bundlers are capable of processing (and typically willing to process) both CommonJS and ESM constructs wherever they appear (unlike Node.js, which parses ES modules and CommonJS scripts differently), so it’s fair to say that the potential difference in module format between module: esnext and module: nodenext will not itself break bundlers (although most bundlers have more difficulty tree-shaking CommonJS than ESM).

There is, however, one specifically Node.js-flavored emit construct that could derail a bundler. In module: nodenext, a TypeScript import/require inside an ESM-format file:

// @Filename: index.mts
import fs = require("dep");

has a special Node.js-specific emit:

// @Filename: index.mjs
import { createRequire as _createRequire } from "module";
const __require = _createRequire(import.meta.url);
const fs = __require("dep");

I assume this won’t work in most bundlers, though some have built-in Node.js shims, so I could be proven wrong. But this is a clear case where module: nodenext would allow Node.js-specific code to be emitted; it’s just not something someone is likely to write by mistake.

Module resolution

Continuing import/require shows another way to frame the question. Suppose we had our input code:

// @Filename: index.mts
import fs = require("dep");

and in order to avoid the potential for Node.js-specific emit to crash a user’s bundler, we decided to produce two outputs—one for Node.js and one for bundlers. When switching to module: esnext and moduleResolution: bundler, our input code errors:

ts1202: Import assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript modules. Consider using 'import * as ns from "dep"', 'import {a} from "dep"', 'import d from "dep"', or another module format instead.

So the question isn’t fully answered just by looking at the transforms applied by these module modes; we also need to ask whether valid input code in module: nodenext is also valid in module: esnext and moduleResolution: bundler. If there are compilation errors, that’s a strong signal that the output code will be a problem.

Beyond this one emit incompatibility, what other compilation errors are possible? Earlier in the Twitter thread, the theory was that module resolution is the problem. Let’s define exactly what that would mean. Imagine we have an output file like:

// @Filename: utils.mjs
import { sayHello } from "greetings";
sayHello(["Matt", "Tim"]);

Suppose we generated this file from a TypeScript input that compiled error-free under module: nodenext, meaning that TypeScript did its best to model how Node.js will resolve the specifier "greetings", found type declarations for the resolved module, and verified that the usage of the API was correct. The theory that this analysis does not provide a similar level of confidence that this code will work in a bundler due to module resolution differences presupposes that at least one of these outcomes is possible:

  1. A bundler will not be able to resolve "greetings"
  2. A bundler will resolve "greetings" to a module that has a sufficiently different shape, such that, if the types for that module were known, TypeScript would report an error for the usage of the API

These are both absolutely possible via conditional package.json "exports". For example, "greetings" could define "exports" like:

	"exports": {
		"module": "./contains-only-say-goodbye.js",
		"node": "./contains-only-say-hello.js"

This would direct bundlers to one module and Node.js to another, each having a completely different API. In this case, it would be impossible to write a single import declaration that works in both contexts, and TypeScript could be used to catch an error like this by type checking the input code under multiple module/moduleResolution/customConditions settings. But this is terrible, terrible practice! I don’t think I’ve ever seen this in a real npm package (and I have looked at a lot of package.jsons in the last year).

Indeed, the only difference between moduleResolution: bundler and the CommonJS moduleResolution: nodenext algorithm in TypeScript is import conditions, and every resolution that can be made in the ESM moduleResolution: nodenext algorithm will be made the same way in moduleResolution: bundler, with the exception of where import conditions cause them to diverge. (If there are other differences in the real resolution algorithms of bundlers and Node.js, they are not reflected in TypeScript’s algorithm, so additional checking with TypeScript won’t help.) Keep in mind that bundlers came about in large part so that modules on npm, written under the assumption that only Node.js would be able to use them, could be used in the browser, which lacked a module system at the time. Bundlers would not be doing their job if their module resolution algorithms choked on Node.js code. Conditional exports can be used to redirect a bundler, but doing this in a way that breaks the contract of the module that Node.js would see is arguably a bug.

In other words, module resolution is not an issue unless a package is doing something extra terrible with "exports".

Module interop

The last possible incompatibility (that TypeScript can catch) is how modules of different formats interoperate with each other. I’ve written about this extensively elsewhere, so suffice it to say that it is possible to have a default import:

import sayHello from "greetings";

that must be called one way in a bundler:


and another, unintentionally different way in Node.js:


even though both module systems resolved to the same module. If you are writing a library, compiling to ESM, checking with module: nodenext, and find yourself needing to write .default() on something you default-imported, there is a possibility that your output code will not work in a bundler. (There is also a possibility that the type declarations for the library are incorrectly telling TypeScript that .default is needed, when in fact it is either not needed or not present!)


Matt’s advice, my usual advice, and the TypeScript documentation’s advice is that you’re usually basically fine to use nodenext for all libraries:

Choosing compilation settings as a library author is a fundamentally different process from choosing settings as an app author. When writing an app, settings are chosen that reflect the runtime environment or bundler—typically a single entity with known behavior. When writing a library, you would ideally check your code under all possible library consumer compilation settings. Since this is impractical, you can instead use the strictest possible settings, since satisfying those tends to satisfy all others.

But Tim is right that this is imperfect. It’s definitely possible to construct examples that break. In reality, breaks only occur in the face of packages that are behaving badly. (Unfortunately, a fair number of packages behave badly.)

I think I would summarize as:

  • nodenext is the right option for authoring libraries, because it prevents you from emitting ESM with module specifiers that only work in bundlers but will crash in Node.js. When writing conventional code, using common sense, and relying on high-quality dependencies, its output is usually highly compatible with bundlers and other runtimes.
  • There is no TypeScript option specifically meant to enforce patterns that result in maximum cross-environment portability.
  • When stronger guarantees of portability are needed, there is no substitute for runtime testing your output.
  • However, a lower effort and reasonably good confidence booster would be to run tsc --noEmit under different module/moduleResolution options.